Nasser Jamshidi told NIPNA: "Passive defense
and emergency management activities include various things that are of
particular concern to Iran's petrochemical industry."
He continued: “Conducting an evaluation and
analysis of the emergency situation management system of petrochemical
companies, ranking the examined companies in terms of the state of the
emergency situation management system, providing a special package for each
company in order to improve and upgrade the emergency situation management
system and developing a road map, improving and upgrading the emergency
situation management system of the investigated companies are some of the
things that are of interest in this document.”
Emphasizing on the requirement of petrochemical
companies to comply with the published instructions, Jamshidi stated: “Based on
the study conducted regarding identification and prioritization of strategic
products of the petrochemical industry with the supply chain approach for
domestic needs in emergency situations, 15 companies are among the main
supplier companies.”
He added: “Due to the importance of production
stability, monitoring and advancing goals in the field of passive defense and
management of emergency situations, since 2020, Shahid Tandgouyan Petrochemical
Company was selected as a pilot and leading project, and this year, regarding
other companies, a plan to improve passive defense and emergency situation
management was put on the agenda.”