In a statement to NIPNA, Barzegar emphasized that the new inspection
charter aims to foster a unified and comprehensive approach to improve the
performance of petrochemical companies. This initiative, in collaboration with
petrochemical holdings and companies, is expected to transform inspection
structures and yield significant benefits for the industry.
Barzegar highlighted that most petrochemical companies have already
established inspection units to ensure the correct implementation of technical
standards, safety, and environmental regulations in their operations and
production processes.
He stressed that these units must develop detailed plans for periodic
inspections and continuous oversight.
He noted that inspection activities primarily involve policy-making,
technical and engineering supervision, and addressing various complaints. As an
impartial regulatory body, inspections play a crucial role in the diverse
activities within the petrochemical industry.
Barzegar announced that the third edition of the inspection charter
has been finalized, aiming to create a dynamic and cohesive structure through
the alignment and cooperation of all industry stakeholders.
He added that the inspection charter will enhance interaction,
cooperation, and convergence among various inspection bodies within the
petrochemical industry, leading to a large, integrated network dedicated to
improving petrochemical performance.
Effective Cooperation in Establishing Inspection Units
Barzegar praised the cooperation of petrochemical plants and complexes
in Asaluyeh and Mahshahr in establishing their inspection units. Last week, the
first petrochemical industry inspection meeting was held at the Morvarid
Petrochemical Complex in Asaluyeh, followed by a session at Kimiya Pars Middle
East Petrochemical Company.
He added that the first specialized meeting with the inspection units
of the Mahshahr Petrochemical Special Economic Zone will be held soon.
Barzegar also announced that a nationwide conference will soon be held
to explain the new inspection charter and share insights and achievements.
Petrochemical companies from all over the country are expected to participate
in this event.